



LeBlanc Sculptures

bulletAbove The Rest
bulletNew Works In Progress
bulletCow Elk
bulletimages/Steve Sculpting Cow Elk.JPG
bulletPanther Creek; Puma
bulletimages/Panther Creek Puma (face).jpg
bulletimages/O'Meara Mountain Lion with Steve.jpg
bulletA Watchful Eye
bulletimages/Mama Bear.jpg
bulletLeBlanc Products Page
bulletElk and Moose
bulletKing of the North
bulletimages/King of the North with Steve.jpg
bulletI'm the Boss
bulletimages/Im The Boss (mountains vertical).jpg
bulletimages/I'm the Boss.jpg
bulletLions and tigers
bulletLion of Judah
bulletimages/Lion Of Judah.jpg
bulletI Rule
bulletimages/I Rule.jpg
bulletUp Up and Away
bulletimages/Up Up and Away.jpg
bulletimages/Up Up and Away back view.jpg
bulletReverand Tamai
bulletimages/Reverend Tamai.jpg
bulletI Need a New Pole
bulletLast Warrior
bulletimages/Last Warrior.jpg
bulletNot of the Pack
bulletimages/Not of the Pack.jpg
bulletVanishing American
bulletimages/Vanishing American.jpg
bulletMy Land
bulletimages/My Land.jpg
bulletDaughter of the Moon
bulletimages/Daughter of the Moon.jpg
bulletWolves, Bears, Foxes
bulletimages/Ursus right view.JPG
bulletMidnight Caller
bulletimages/Midnight Caller outdoors.jpg
bulletThe Ole Fishing Hole
bulletimages/The Ole Fishing Hole.jpg
bulletSong of the Wilderness
bulletimages/Song of the Wilderness.jpg
bulletWaiting for Daddy
bulletimages/Waiting for Daddy.jpg
bulletComing Home
bulletimages/Coming Home.jpg
bulletHanging Around
bulletimages/Hanging Around.jpg
bulletUnder a Watchful Eye
bulletimages/The Protector.JPG
bulletimages/The Protector (face).JPG
bulletDouble Trouble
bulletimages/Double Trouble.jpg
bulletSpring Fling
bulletimages/Spring Fling.jpg
bulletSpring Fling Bust
bulletimages/Spring Fling busts.jpg
bulletHigh on a Mountain
bulletimages/High on a Mountain.jpg
bulletHeading Out
bulletimages/Heading Out.jpg
bulletSummer Doe
bulletimages/Summer Doe.jpg
bulletBirds and Fowl
bulletAbove the Rest
bulletimages/Above the Rest.jpg
bulletFishing Buddies
bulletimages/Fishing Buddies.jpg
bulletimages/Fishing Buddies head.JPG
bulletTaking a Break
bulletimages/Taking a Break.jpg
bulletMy Country
bulletimages/My Country.jpg
bulletBuffalo and Horses
bulletSacred Totem
bulletimages/Sacred Totem.jpg
bulletTar Baby
bulletimages/Tar Baby.jpg
bulletMonarch of the Plains
bulletimages/Monarch of the Plains.jpg
bulletAfrican Exotics
bulletWhite Rhino
bulletimages/White Rhino.jpg
bulletAntelope and Deer
bulletPrairie Partners
bulletimages/Prairie Partners.jpg
bulletBirds and Fowl
bulletWind Dancer
bulletimages/Wind Dancer right view.JPG
bulletimages/The Courtship.jpg
bulletGarden Guardians
bulletimages/Garden Guardian.jpg
bulletAmerican Pride
bulletimages/America's Pride.jpg
bulletForest Friends
bulletimages/Forest Friends.jpg
bulletLeft Behind
bulletimages/Left Behind.jpg
bulletWrestling Wrens
bulletimages/Wrestling Wrens.jpg
bulletWhere's Mama
bulletimages/Where's Mama.jpg
bulletOut of My Way
bulletimages/Out of my way.jpg
bulletAbove the Rest II
bulletimages/Above the Rest II.jpg
bulletAbove the Rest III
bulletimages/Above the Rest III.jpg
bulletBears and Wolves
bulletIce King
bulletimages/Ice King Front view.JPG
bulletimages/Ice King side view.jpg
bulletimages/Danger Left.jpg
bulletimages/Danger Right.jpg
bulletMidnight Caller
bulletimages/Midnight Caller.jpg
bulletBuffalo and Horses
bulletMoney Pit
bulletimages/Money Pit.jpg
bulletPrince of the Plains
bulletimages/Prince of the Plains.jpg
bulletElk and Moose
bulletKing of the North
bulletimages/King of the North.jpg
bulletKing of the North Bust
bulletimages/King of the North bust.jpg
bulletLooking for Trouble
bulletimages/Looking for Trouble.jpg
bulletLions and Tigers
bulletLion of Judah II
bulletimages/Lion of Judah II.jpg
bulletThe Sentinal
bulletimages/The Sentinal.jpg
bulletimages/The Sentinal Face.jpg
bulletJust Missed
bulletimages/Just Missed.jpg
bulletLet the Children Come
bulletimages/Let the Children Come.jpg
bulletVision Seeker
bulletimages/Vision Seeker.jpg
bulletMaiden of the Moon
bulletimages/Maiden of the Moon.jpg
bulletSpirit of My People II
bulletimages/Spirit of my People II.jpg
bulletI Come in Peace
bulletimages/I Come in Peace.jpg
bulletBlue Hat
bulletimages/Blue Hat.jpg
bulletFoundation of America
bulletimages/Foundation of America.jpg
bulletSpirit of the Plains
bulletimages/Spirit of the Plains.jpg
bulletSheep and Goats
bulletJust Hanging Out
bulletimages/Just Hanging Out.jpg
bulletimages/Just Hanging Out rear view.jpg
bulletKing of the Crags
bulletimages/King of the Crags.jpg
bulletimages/King of the Crags right view.jpg
bulletWhales, Rays and fish
bulletSong of the Sirens
bulletimages/Song of the Sirens.jpg
bulletSkating Along
bulletimages/Skating Along.jpg
bulletBlue Marlin
bulletimages/Big Blue.jpg
bulletBusy Beaver
bulletimages/Busy Beaver.jpg
bulletKeeper of the Rock
bulletimages/Keeper of the Rock.jpg
bulletA Berry Fine Day
bulletimages/A Berry Fine Day.jpg
bulletHoney Bunny
bulletimages/Honey Bunny.jpg
bulletPride of America
bulletimages/Pride of America.JPG
bulletSomeone to Admire
bulletimages/Someone to Admire.jpg
bulletSummit County Memorial
bulletimages/Summit County High School Hands x.JPG
bulletLeBlanc News Page
bulletLeBlanc Search Page
bulletLeBlanc Press Release 1
bulletArtist's Profile
bulletimages/Steve LeBlanc with Tar Baby.jpg
bulletimages/Just Missed in clay with Steve.jpg
bulletLeBlanc Table of Contents Page