Up Contents

New Works



Lion of Judah II
Ice King
Pride of America
Wind Dancer
Cow Elk
Panther Creek Puma


Mr. LeBlanc is constantly creating new works for commissions as well as his own creative expression.  This page displays a few of his current works in the clay form.  

(For information concerning the many complex stages of bronze creation contact us at our main office or email us at:  [email protected].)

"Lion of Judah - A smaller presentation of the male African Lion the life-size "Lion of Judah"

"Ice King" - A polar bear walking on ice.

"Pride of America" - A monumental size bust of the American Bald Eagle.

"Ursus" - A bust of a grizzly bear.

"Wind Dancer" - A bust of an American Bald Eagle with the wind blowing through its feathers.

Cow Elk - A new piece, still in clay, of a life-size cow elk.

Thunderhead - A buffalo bust replete with detailed hair.

Panther Creek Puma - A monumental size puma (mountain lion) 16 feet long